12" Vinyl

Freedom Locked

  • Artikelnummer: TESCO_124
  • Kategorie: Vinyl
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 09.03.2018
L.ed. 300 incl. download code ; Tesco Organisation presents ¨Freedom Locked¨, the debut LP by MORAL ORDER. A work marked by the pressure power electronics and the old-school industrial in which Fernando O. Paíno exposes his more aggressive and severe side. Eight songs in which the noise is mixed masterfully with experimental and dark ambient, offering a varied, original and unique style. The agony and the restlessness merge in monolithic notes that ooze hatred. MORAL ORDER supposes an exacerbation in Paíno's style, distancing itself from the rhythm that defines its DA-SEIN parallel project.a
21,00 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand