
  • Artikelnummer: TESCO_066
  • Kategorie: CDs
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 31.10.2013
Raspad is Russian for disintegration-zerfall. This is the third full length album by Post Scriptvm. It was mastered by Jerome Nougaillon(Propergol) Dense, thickly-layered industrial ambient music, exploring the abysmal pathology of modernity-illusion of progress, dissolution of memory, abandonment of higher meaning and paralysis of the will. The advanced lethargy of human spirit. Rich structure of music plays subtle tricks on the listener's subconsciousness, and the mood slowly drifts from quiet melancholy to visceral intensity. An example on how to use analog and digital equipment in creating a special way of sound, a brilliant example of innovative music outstanding form the mass of releases.
13,00 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand