
  • Artikelnummer: CRYO_010
  • GTIN: 4038846910104
  • Kategorie: CDs
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 24.06.2014
Tesco Distribution releases the next CD of CRYO CHAMBER a label run by Simon Heath (Atrium Carceri) focusing on deep high quality dark ambient with a cinematic edge.
We welcome Wordclock to the label with this highly cinematic and emotionally moving release.
Soothing, sleepy atmospheres that makes time grind to a halt. Warm distant pianos, strings and careful noise layering on a dark atmospheric backdrop creates a sense of being trapped in a labyrinth of gargantuan stone buildings that reach endlessly for the horizon.
Written and Produced - Pedro Pimentel
Artwork and Mastering - Simon Heath
7,00 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand