Hollow Ways

  • Artikelnummer: FREMD_211
  • GTIN: 4038846402111
  • Kategorie: CDs
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.2006
Hollow Ways is Ian Read's musical and lyrical take on the mysteries which hide under and within Northern Europe's often dark and certainly intriguing history and even present day (if one knows how and where to look). There will be those who find clues to ancient practices here also. Mouse worked with Psychic TV in their glory days; Simon Norris was a member of Death In June; Joolie Woods played violin for Sol Invictus, and was with Michael Cashmore in C93.
1,99 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand
Alter Preis: 13,00 €

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