Digipak CD

The Philosopher’s Stone

  • Artikelnummer: WKN_29
  • GTIN: 4038846300295
  • Kategorie: CDs
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 03.12.2007
The march is over! After 10 years, Der Blutharsch are finally closing the circle! The inventors of military pop, and since then the genre's most influential and sucessful band is leaving the arena and heading towards new territory-the promised land in the search for the tower of song. On The Philosopher's Stone, Albin Julius and his gang - Marthynna, Jörg B. and Bain Wolfkind, assisted by Matt Howden and Christine K., are proofing the only truth: Uniforms are always changing, but Rock 'n Roll will stay forever! Come and join the ride.
2,99 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand
Alter Preis: 9,00 €

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