Digipak CD

The Fruits Of Yggdrasil

  • Artikelnummer: HR_089
  • GTIN: 4038846310898
  • Kategorie: CDs
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.2008

Yggdrasil is the cosmic ash tree, it is Odin’s steed and gallows from whence the runes were delivered to the world. It is the tree of life, a complexity of meanings enlarged and enriched by the music of this CD. The music and lyrics on ‘Fruits’ are a means of initiation into the Northern mysteries. Patrick’s powerful thunderous and sensitive backing music to Freya’s spoken and chanted poetry and runecalls capture absolutely the elemental magick and energies of the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse mysteries and the shamanic energy of the Runes. The music ranges from conveying the maelstrom of a curse (Nithing) to the delicate melodic harp tracery of a hymn of praise to Wodan. Leading off with Havamal, Freya’s intonation of the eddic poem ‘ the hymn of the high words’ the eighteen runecalls vibrated powerfully into the aether, patrick music giving the words of magick and invocation a spirit of authentic and eldrich power. Whether martial cacophony of percussion, or delightfully melodic ( as on North star) the whole of the ‘Fruits’ has the hallmark of a genuine grimoire. Here is magick of intent, a synthesis of fire and ice, a reminder that these elder beings are not dead! They can be rekindled to interweave once again with our wills and desires. Just listen to the spirited swirling majesty to end ‘Ragnarok.’ Surely proof enough that the elder beings will live again after the end time.

Comes in a nice digipak with silver foilblocked artwork like on the original LP cover.

2,99 €
inkl. USt. , zzgl. Versand
Alter Preis: 9,00 €

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